We continued to work on our association goals, even though we had to limit our meetings to Skype meetings due to the renewed restrictions caused by the second lockdown due to the Corona pandemic. In the past weeks we have achieved and planned the following:
Completing our promotional materials
- The flyer in french and soon also in english has been completed and can be found under our [press materials] on the homepage.
- DIN-A 4 posters were printed and can now also be found under our press materials
- Hand-in-Hand Burkina Faso key rings, as a thank you for donors and supporters, were made
- A second fold-out table with benches for information stands and events was purchased
- Furthermore, our stand materials were supplemented with name badges, flyer and poster displays and other small items.
We are now well prepared for possible information events as soon as Corona allows them again. All purchases were financed by our association members themselves, so that every euro of your donation will continue to be reserved for the construction of the hospital and related expenses.
Planning meetings 2021
All dates for the 2021 planning meetings have been set and announced on our homepage [ Dates] and on Facebook [ HandinHand.BF ].
As it is not clear at the moment from when on-site meetings can be held, the location of the event (Skype meeting or meeting somewhere on-site) will only be announced a few weeks before the next meeting on Facebook, our homepage and to our members also by email.
Goals for 2021
In addition to our goals
- Trilingual homepage (German, English, French)
- Registration of our association as a non-profit organisation in Burkina Faso and establishment of local contacts in Ouarégou.
- as well as other campaigns to collect donations and acquire members and sponsors
we have decided to start the first step towards the hospital in Ouarégou already next year:
We want to build a well that can later be used for the hospital in Ouarégou. Next to it, an information board will inform about our goals.
After this first step, we want to construct a small building as a second step, in which a midwife can already start working in Ouarégou at state expense.
In this way, step by step, our dream of a large hospital and safe births in Ouarégou can be achieved.
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