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for a maternity ward and safe childbirth in Ouarégou – Burkina Faso
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for a maternity ward and safe childbirth in Ouarégou – Burkina Faso.
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When life begins with dying
In 2000, the UN formulated eight goals to reduce extreme poverty and hunger in the world by 2015 [1].
These include, among others:
- Improving maternal health care
- Reduction of child mortality
Since then, the situation in Burkina Faso has improved, but in rural areas the situation still is devastating. In the Ouarégou region, there is not a single hospital far and wide. We want to change that by building a maternity ward.
Country Burkina Faso
Population | 23 Mio | [2] |
Official language | French | |
Infant mortality rate | 5,30 % | [3] |
Maternal mortality rate | 0,32 % | [4] |
Community Ouarégou
Population | ca. 30 000 | |
Language | Bissa | |
Etnie | Bissa |
[2] wikipedia.org/Burkina Faso (2023)
[3] www.destatis.de/ (2020)
[4] https://de.wikipedia.org/ (2017)